JACKSON, WY— The clock is ticking for Wyoming’s first-ever virtual choral festival, brought to you by Cathedral Voices Chamber Choir.

The choir’s 3rd biennial Spring Festival debuts online May 16 & 17 at cathedralvoices.org. Singers have rehearsed, recorded, and submitted their videos to be shared with the world next weekend.

The Spring Festival has been transformed into a two-day musical and educational experience that anyone can tune into via the worldwide web. The Festival includes two virtual choir premieres surrounded by inspiring conversations with leaders in the fields of choral music, conducting, vocal performance, and music composition.

“The Spring Festival is traditionally very concert-focused and anchored by a gala event,” said Cathedral Voices Director Laura Huckin. “Instead of canceling, we decided to re-imagine what our choir could offer on a digital platform.”

So Huckin started connecting with colleagues across the country.

“Most conductors and educators are at home, doing digital teaching and remote instruction,” she noted.  “I was thoroughly delighted by everyone’s interest in contributing to our Festival.  Very few Festivals are taking place right now, if at all.”

Conductors and musicians from California, Minnesota, South Carolina, Washington, and Wyoming will be featured virtual participants in the Festival via roundtable discussions and special interviews which will air before each virtual choir premiere.  One virtual choir song will premiere each day of the Festival, with nearly 70 voices from singers primarily across Western Wyoming. The livestream is supported by Jackson’s Center for the Arts


The Spring Festival is supported in part by the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, a grant from the Wyoming Arts Council through funding from the Wyoming State Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts, Center of Wonder/Town and County Arts for All, and Cathedral Voices’ Business Partners and Season Sponsors. Show your Appreciation and support local businesses!