
New Members Join Chamber Choirs for 2011-12 Season

2011-2012 Choir Members

Cathedral Voices Chamber Choir is pleased to announce the vocalists for this upcoming season of community concerts and events. There are several new members to both chamber choirs under the umbrella of this organization. Rehearsals begin next week for both choirs. Congratulations everyone and welcome to another season of exciting repertoire!
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Cathedral Voices



Heidi Bosch
Michelle Campbell
Deanne Hunter
Linda Kaunitz (Mezzo)


Joyce Butcher
Sue Cole
Andrea Deaton
Charisse Haws



Dan Butcher
Curt Haws
Dan Land
Ben Medina


Kraig Kobert
Keith Van Curen
Brian Van Hatten


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Treble Voices



Heidi Bosch
Beverly Charette
Deanne Hunter
Rhea Lewis
Renee Schroeder



Amanda Benavides
Margo Caslavka (Mezzo)
Rachel Daluge
Laura Goldstein
Amy Robinson
